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We offer in-home training where we come to you and training where you come to us.   The prices for the different services are listed below.  Not sure what you need?  Feel free to contact us for a $25.00 evaluation. 

Single Sessions

Whatever you need to fix!

This can include learning new obedience skills, refreshing old skills, fixing problem behaviors and more.


In-Home Single Session

30 min- $60.00

1 hour- $100.00
Outside of Home Single Session

30 min-$40.00

1 hour- $80.00


Socialization Package

Time to make new friends!

Includes Six (6) 1.5 hour lessons

Drive around town to dog friendly locations (with trainer) and meet new dogs or new people to help build confidence.  Great for dogs that are unsure of new things or for dogs who just need to get out of the house more. 




Puppy/Beginner Multi Session

Basic Obedience & Manners Training

Four (4) 1 hour sessions

Focus on foundation skills (sit, down, leash walking, etc.) and bad habits in the home (potty training, puppy biting, jumping, etc.)



In Home: $300

Outside of Home: $240


Intermediate Multi Sessions

Applying skills to the real world

Four (4) 1 Hour Sessions

Great for dogs that have already taken puppy lessons and our ready to continue their training and learn new skills.  (heel, stay, place, etc.).  These lessons will also focus on taking skills from this class and previous classes and making them more reliable in the real world.


In-Home:  $300

Outside of Home:  $240



Advanced Multi Training

Take away the cookie!

Four (4) 1 Hour Sessions

Great for dogs that have already learned their basics and intermediate skills.  This class focuses on taking away the training tools (treats, clickers, etc.), while also learning good manners in public and new tricks like tuck and settle.


In-Home: $300

Outside of Home:  $240


AKC Certifications

As an AKC certified Trainer we are able to perform evaluations and training for all AKC Canine Good Citizen tests.

AKC Star Puppy

AKC Canine Good Citizen

AKC CGC Community


Pricing: $25 for exam


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